Life is too short to live for anyone else other than yourself.
We are all perfectly imperfect beings and shouldn't be afraid to learn, grow, and course-correct.
You are in control of who you allow in your space. If they don't make you happy, then they need to be removed.
Most would describe me as a college professor, writer, reader, deep-thinker, and dreamer. And that's all very true, but I'm so much more than that. And so are you.
Society may put us in boxes, but that doesn't mean we have to stay there. So let's break free from what "they" said and who "they" think we should be, and start living the fulfilling lives we all deserve.
Join me on a journey of self-love, self-discovery, and unapologetic confidence.

In short, Coffee & Cream Talk has always been a way of life for me.
For as long as I can remember, I've had thoughts and ideas that seemed like common sense to me but to most everyone else, they seemed "odd."
And because I was never one of those who simply believed in "going along to get along," I was often on my own path. Even when I tried going along because it was easier, it just never worked out for long.
Somehow, I always believed that I simply couldn't be the only one who thought the way I did. There had to be others, right?
So, in 2016, I finally founded and created a Facebook community interest group -- Coffee & Cream Talk -- to cover things that I found interesting, things that I wanted to discuss, things that I felt other folks simply didn't want to say aloud...
But things that we all know are TRUE!
If you're ready to walk away from your own limiting beliefs, as well as those placed upon you by others...
If you're ready to talk about various topics and issues, and think about things in a way that you've never done so before...
If you're ready to discuss, listen, learn, and grow, then I'm ready to lead the way.